Are You Living an Unfulfilled Life?

Are You Living an Unfulfilled Life? 

Are You Living an Unfulfilled Life? 

We do lots of things to make us feel happier and more fulfilled in life. We try to climb the corporate ladder or build businesses here and there. We travel to new places and have more adventures in life. But no matter what we do and how much we achieve and accomplish in our lives, we can still feel pretty miserable and unfulfilled. 

You see, being happier and truly fulfilled in life is not about doing more. It’s about doing more of the right things and being more.

I was that person; I chased success in my career, always thinking that when I got there, I would be happier and fulfilled. I would have it all, so I thought, and my life would be complete. But there was always this lacking feeling of true contentment. The happiness and fulfilment would soon fade, and I would have to work hard again on the next thing, thinking this would give me a happiness and fulfilment fix!

I suspected there was something more, a greater sense of meaning. That’s when I discovered the secrets of living a happy and fulfilled life, and I went on a journey of self-discovery, personal development and empowerment. And I want to help you do the same.

“A life of regret, is no life at all”

Have You Discovered Your Purpose?

The happiest and most fulfilled people are those who wake up each day, knowing what they want to do. They don’t feel stuck in the wrong job and don’t think about ‘what ifs’ because they have found what they love to do. They know the thing they’re good at, what excites them and gives them a true sense of purpose each day, regardless of whether they’re paid for it. They know what they are here to give, and the value they bring to themselves, family, friends, the people they meet and the world.

If you’re feeling miserable and stuck in your job or what you do, you probably haven’t tried enough, explored enough, and failed enough to find ‘your thing’. I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to try new things, to meet new people, to take more chances and to do more of the things that excite you; all of this will help you to find fulfilment. My advice is to try new things with a purpose of finding your thing. And more importantly, don’t be afraid to start all over again, and again, make mistakes and enjoy the process. Have fun, because this is where you will grow the most.

“To get something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done”

Are You Realising Your True Potential?

So knowing your purpose is one thing, acting on it is another. No matter how grand your purpose seems, actually pursuing this is not always easy. There will still be days when you don’t feel like working, you may get discouraged by your results or lack of them, and even have doubts about pursuing your passion and life purpose. In truth, that’s why many people give up on their purpose and, sadly, never realise their true potential.

For you to become the great person you know deep down you are meant to be, you need to have the courage to follow your dreams. Keep the discipline to stay on course and the persistence to weather the storms that come your way. Honour yourself, don’t let life pass you by with your greatness still within you and without ever realising your true potential. Unfulfilled potential is one of the most miserable existences in this world. 

Are You Taking Full Responsibility?

We used to depend on our parents for major decisions in our lives, for our education choices and early steps in our career. We depended on the education system to tell us what we should learn. Now, we depend on social media to define our concept of success. We even depend on our bosses to give us direction in our career.

Then we ask why we feel miserable and blame it on other people, including the government. But the reality is, they did not take control of our lives, we gave them control!

Happy and fulfilled people take back that control from other people. They take back responsibility for their lives. They make their own choices and their own decisions. They take action and they live the lives they want; not how others want them to live. If you want to be happier and fulfilled, and to know where you want your life to take you, don’t allow anyone or anything to stop you from pursuing your purpose. Set your own path and define your own success. Do not pattern your life on other people’s lives. Only you can live your life for yourself.

Knowing is half the battle, actually doing it is the other half. If you are serious about living a happier and more fulfilled life, make a plan. You might want to do what I did – find a coach to work with; this was the best investment in ‘me’ that I ever made!

Don’t let life get in the way of your personal and professional happiness and fulfilment. Take charge! Here are my Golden Nuggets to help you…

Golden Nuggets

1. Get out of your head

Have a vision session and challenge your beliefs about what you can and can’t do. Maybe you are a good leader. Challenge your ideas about how things should work. Sometimes when you decide how things should be, you limit your ability to be effective in the world as it actually is. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Positive energy creates positive results.

There’s little motivation for success if your goals don’t connect to your values. Of course, to make this work you need to know exactly what your values are. I recommend looking at areas of your life as detailed in the ‘Pura Vida Your Life Compass – The Navigation Tool For The Modern World’. Some examples are: Creative = fun and artistic expression; Physical = abundance; Spiritual = open mindfulness; Social = relationships; Worldly Nourishment = helping others. And consider how you are living out your values in each of those areas. Gaining this perspective will give you some ideas about what you might like to change or improve.

Top Tip

Write a journal, create a video, or sketch out your thoughts; anything that lets you explore what excites you most. Put it on paper and then execute your plan.

2.Get out in the open

Instead of driving, walk and open your eyes. You might spot a place of interest on your route or an opportunity to join a club, or volunteer. Take a walking lunch. Walk around your environment for half-hour with no destination in mind. You never know what will happen when you get out without a plan.

Top Tip

Start something you always assumed it was too late to do and try new activities, like water rafting, rock climbing, or learn to play an instrument. If it moves you, get started today. It’s never too late and you’ll meet new people at the same time.

3. Get in with people

Offer to help someone else. Sometimes it’s the best way to help yourself, and not just for the warm fuzzy feeling it provides. You never know what you’ll learn through the process. Compliment a stranger on something you notice. Everyone likes to be appreciated and it’s a great way to start a conversation.

Top Tip

Start paying attention to other people around you and their body language and expressions, so you can offer assistance if or when they need it. Help someone get out of their comfort zone. You may set the precedent that you challenge each other in your friendship to expand your horizons and experience growth.

So, let’s summarise those golden nuggets again:

  1. Get out of your head
  2. Get out in the open
  3. Get in with people

If you have found this useful, then please share this with anyone you know who would also benefit to help them along their journey in life.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more golden nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.

Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛

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