Bringing the Significance of the Autumn Equinox into the Autumn of your life

Bringing the Significance of the Autumn Equinox into the Autumn of your life

In last week’s blog Three Ways to Live Well This Autumn, I shared the importance of how your energy sources relate to your mind, body and spirit. The autumn equinox arrives on 22 September 2021, and this is a special and somewhat magnificently magical time. So how can you bring the significance of the Autumn Equinox into your life?

In this article, I will share with you my Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you take the crucial steps to align with the powerful transition of Autumn. I see this time as a vital part of the enlightenment and growth process for us all; this shift can go unseen by many who simply ignore its importance.

Autumn Equinox energies

From a shamanic perspective, the gift of learning and key message to us is that now, as the leaves begin to fall and the weather gets cooler, Mother Nature, our blessed Pachamama begins preparing for a type of death. We too may feel called to let things go. We may also feel a need to ‘put things on ice’, release our attachment to taking action or making decisions to see where things flow on their own. I wonder if this is as much as a challenge for you as it is for me?

There are significant Equinox energies present on this day. Even though our location will determine how we will experience these Equinox energies, on this day, all of us will experience the equality and balance between light and dark energies. The scales will be balanced, and we will be able to experience the merging of these two energies to the point where we can feel them as one.

On a day like the Equinox everything is in balance. There is no you and me, or this and that, instead there is just one. One planet, one world, and even one soul.

Autumn Equinox balance

As our home planet aligns in perfect harmony and balance on the Equinox, we can feel into this idea, and recognise that we are as much the tree as it is us. We are as much our enemies or the people we admire as they are us. We are all just an independent expression of the same soul.

Besides feeling into the expression of oneness, the September Equinox also serves as a reminder to bring some balance into our lives and to take ownership of the direction we are heading in. After the fall Equinox, nights become longer than days, bringing us into a period of darkness. It’s time to respect and appreciate the darkness, because it is also necessary for growth – that is the gift that is presented to us, if we choose to see it, feel it and accept it.

Our Indigenous elders and cultures recognised earth-based wisdom and welcomed the four focal points of the year: the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox. They acknowledged these as illuminated stages of an inner spiritual journey – a spiritual cycle that the individual takes within themselves – you can find out more with my Pura Vida Your Life Compass.

A great way to celebrate Autumn Equinox is with my 3 Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you to bring the significance of this magical time into the Autumn of your Life.

Golden Gifts

1. Heart Centred Gratitude

The autumnal equinox is a time of harvest. Make a list of everything you are thankful for as a way of reaping your inner harvest. Better yet, start a gratitude journal. Gratitude brings abundance – this is a best kept secret and often overlooked for how powerful it really is.

Deeper Wisdom:

If you don’t know where to begin, start with the food you have to eat and the roof over your head. It will flow naturally from there. May your inner harvest be bountiful!

2. Flow with a Daily Rhythm

Want to get things done this season? Establishing a rhythm will help you get organised and provide a framework for your day. It increases your ability to stay focused and get things done and feel accomplished.

Deeper Wisdom:

Take a quiet moment and make a list of your priorities. What you’d like to accomplish each morning, afternoon and evening. This can be anything from a daily quiet time to honour yourself to practical family and home stuff like cleaning. Basically, picture your ideal day. These things are going to become the base of your rhythm, the flow of your day.

3. Get Connected

Get outside in nature every day and take the time to connect with the things that matter most; your kids and family, the natural world, yourself. And, most importantly, take the time to connect with all that is.

Deeper Wisdom:

I know how hard it can be to get outdoors on some days. Sometimes the hardest part about getting outside is gearing up and taking the steps to get out there. Make a deal with yourself that you will get outside for at least 10 minutes. I’m willing to bet that once you get out there, you will want to stay outside for a lot longer.

Sitting outside under an umbrella, overhang, or porch when it’s pouring with rain counts –unless you feel like dancing in the rain and jumping in puddles, of course!

So, let’s summarise those Golden Gifts again:

  1. Heart Centred Gratitude
  2. Flow with a Daily Rhythm
  3. Get Connected 

I also know it’s really difficult to make changes or even consider making changes when you’re burnt out and exhausted. This is where I can help, with my exclusive and intimate programme designed to help women awaken their limitless higher potential, igniting their powerhouse and move forward with divine soul-driven purpose.

A new life mastery and transformational programme TAILORED specifically for busy women who are seeking change in their life.

To find out more, book a call with me:

I help women replace fear with faith, preplace weakness with strength, and replace internal struggle with confidence to effectively claim their life back in just 3 months. So, they can ‘be more’, ‘do more’, and ‘have more’ and fully embody their inner warrioress to breakthrough all that holds them back.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Gifts to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.

I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!

Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛

Until next time – Pura Vida!