About Geet Fateh

About Geet Fateh

A lot of people ask me how I got here, how did I become an Energy Healer and Sound Alchemist. Well, there’s not a short response to this… maybe I’ll write a book one day!

Photograph of sound healer Geet Fateh sitting on the ground with her gone and sound bowls ready for a sound healing session

Like most people I lived my life in the way I thought it ‘should be’, go to school, get a job, fall in love, get married, have a family,…. Well, most of that happened and not quite in the conventional way. Much of that journey was filled with trauma, pain, suffering, heartbreak, anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, grief, loss, abandonment.

I was born Rachel and in living life as ‘Rachel’ was pretty tough, and despite feeling like the odds were against me, I still achieved quite a lot. I had a beautiful daughter, and grandchildren, I owned my own house, I achieved my career aspirations of becoming a HR Director of a Global Business and I created and built my own HR Consultancy. But by the time I had reached 50 yrs old in 2019, life and the world had taken its toll and I was struggling to live life. Depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts weighed heavily on me, both day and night, there was no escape and they became all consuming… it got to be a disappointment to still be here, waking up every morning. I longed for it all to end, I was tired, I was empty, I was completely disconnected with my sense of self and life. On the outside, everyone thought I had it all and I was a pretty good actress to wear the fake mask every day to hide my suffering and misery from the world – I see now that if I had admitted it, then I would have had to do something about it!

To help me get through life I was using money, buying stuff I didn’t need, over eating, using alcohol (well that’s socially and culturally acceptable to drink and drown your sorrows isn’t it) I would say I was a functioning alcoholic and I was using party drugs to ‘feel good’ and escape the pain, only to suffer the biggest come downs.

‘I had a calling’

And then in the summer of 2019, I can only describe that I had a ‘calling’ to go to Costa Rica and through a sequence of events this calling became stronger and I just knew I had to go but I wasn’t sure how. In the long and short of it, it was New Years Eve 2019 and I was just about to head to a party which I knew would be heavily fuelled by drink and drugs, I said out loud with feelings of desperation in every cell of my body “I don’t want to do this anymore, I don’t want my life to be like this, make 2020 different” And with that, an opportunity appeared to book my stay in a retreat centre in Costa Rica.

In March 2020, I flew to a retreat centre and experienced the most life changing and life saving week of my life. Through Plant Medicine and Ceremony I experienced a spiritual awakening, I received the message to ‘shine my light bright’, that meant nothing to me and as the week evolved so did I, shedding years of trauma and I connected to my soul on a deep level and for the first time in my life I was being guided to become the person I was always meant to be, though this deep connection with self, this is where my healing began.

Image of a poem - Ascension is her Dance She dances with a freedom that liberates her soul. She ascends above all narratives with a truth to behold. The essence of her aura shines like the queens of old. She is the wisdom of a priestess whose story is untold. She dances in ascension with a light that reveals. The sight of her glory, false narratives could not steal. She was written out of scriptures that denied her rightful place. Patriarchal views discredit the power in her ways. Though many came along and rewrote histories, like the phoenix she rises, she dances in their defeat. She is the keeper of wisdom that guides humanity. The earth begins to rise as her light sets all free. Goodbye, old world. Her truth is made known. Goodbye, old world. Her face face reflects the source.

My Spiritual Quest

And so, since March 2020, I have been on a huge spiritual quest of healing myself on so many layers and levels and through this is where my gifts were revealed. My ability to heal others with energy and my natural affinity to sound, frequency and vibration and through the medium of sound I could heal others. They say when the student is ready the teacher appears and that is very much what happened for me, I didn’t seek but they found me through synchronicities and opportunities – all with wonderful teachers who are leading in their field – and I learnt how to hold space, how to hold ceremony, about ceremonial cacao, how to take people on shamanic drum journeys, and to play the beautiful Angelic Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls and the Magnificent Ancient Acoustic Gong – this is my medicine.

For a while I was hiding in the shadows and doing all this wonderful stuff for me and a few friends and then, I was guided to step out of the shadows in January 2022 and to ‘shine my light bright’, announcing to the world that I am an ‘Energy Healer and Sound Alchemist’. In February 2022 I closed my HR consultancy and so this is what I do now full-time. I hold group events, private sessions and collaborate with other beautiful souls to share their gifts and healing modalities.

A Transformational Year

2022 has been quite a transformational year and I was given my Sanskrit spiritual name of Geet Fateh Kaur, and in understanding the full meaning of this name (I have detailed this below). I was ready to align to this vibration of being. I don’t need to hold onto the identity I created as Rachel, she was done now. It was time to step into a new way of being. My change of name has ruffled a few feathers, but I have the courage to follow this path and create a life for me that is truly fulfilling in every way.

And the journey continues as I get closer to my soul, understanding what my soul desires are and the destiny that is meant for me in this lifetime. And in 2023 I will undertake further learnings of the Spiritual Science of Numerology and Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. And so taking this Sanskrit name feels very natural to me.

I look forward to welcoming you to my events delivering Sound Healing in Warwickshire.

In love and gratitude….

Geet Fateh Kaur x

Image of sound healer Geet Fateh next to a fence with the word LOVE attached to it and sheep in the background

The meaning behind my name

You have been blessed to live as Geet Fateh who victoriously overcomes all challenges in life by connecting to God’s divine song.

Geet is song or singing. Fateh means victory; one who overcomes all obstacles.

Use the power of your name, Geet Fateh, to reveal your gift of embodying the constant victory of overcoming all of life’s challenges by connecting to God’s divine song. Remember with each breath to keep immersed in the resonance and success of this blessing. Your oneness with the music of the Divine brings strength, harmony, meditative focus, awareness and compassion to the minds and hearts of all of those around you.

The power of your spiritual name is that the more you speak and hear it, the more it permeates your being, opening you to experience its nadh (universal inner sound current). Consciously merge with the vibration of the nadh to come into harmony with your highest destiny.

In the Name of the Cosmos which prevails through everyBODY, and the Holy Nam which holds the world.

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