Healing Practices To Boost Your Wellbeing
I want to share some healing practices with you to help you see your way through dark times and to boost your wellbeing. We’ve all been navigating challenges on our personal path as a result of the covid pandemic, and now we are heading towards the darker winter months. Some of us find it hard to cope with the impact of seasonal change and may find this year particularly challenging with all they have had to face over the past 19 months.
Have you been challenged by health-related issues, career, financial, family or relationship issues, or anything else? It’s clear that COVID-19 has touched us all in one way or another. It is my belief that we can use this time, or any time of distress, as an opportunity for growth.
The Effect of Seasonal Changes
It’s that time of year again when the nights are getting colder and shorter, summer has long since faded, and we too can sometimes feel the seasonal shift show up in our lives emotionally. The end of summer brings many changes and may bring the looming thought of the impending ‘greyness’ of the winter season.
These seasonal transitions might be difficult for a variety of reasons, and the multitude of change can deeply impact our mood or sense of wellbeing. If you are someone who already struggles to manage stress, anxiety, or depressive feelings, the shift from summer to autumn and eventually to winter can make things worse.
Managing the Change in Season
To ease the transition, you can approach the change in season with a deeper awareness for what you need to get through or what could help this time around. If you let stress or feelings build up without addressing them or recognising what you need, you might find yourself turning to less-than-healthy methods for coping with stress. Typical examples include drinking a bit more wine in the evening, diving into the biscuit tin or indulging in sweet treats. Perhaps it is time to get in touch with what you truly need to make this transition easier?
A great way to get started is with my 3 Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you navigate the darker times ahead, so you can boost your wellbeing.
But before we get into that, let me expand on what is a ‘practice’, so you understand the context for adopting my suggestions. A practice is the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories about it. It becomes customary, habitual or an expected procedure of a way of doing something. So, for the purpose of what I am sharing here, I’m inviting you to choose all or one of the Golden Gifts below and embody these as tools to be used frequently over the coming months. This will ensure your practice becomes beneficial and boosts your wellbeing.
Golden Gifts
1. Get physical
Try something new, start a physical exercise class, or a new sport. Or begin a healthy outdoor pastime like gardening or join a community project to care for nature walkways.
Deeper Wisdom:
Being physically active, especially outside, has positive effects on our mental health and wellbeing. It will invigorate your senses, your mind, body, soul and spirit.
2. Creatively Fun
Try a new hobby or pick up an old one. Baking, painting, sewing or tinkering with things that need fixing or need a bit of care and attention. Being creative helps us keep our spirits up through the longer darker nights.
Deeper Wisdom:
For a bit of fun and to keep you and whoever you spend time with entertained during the darker nights, write down different activities on paper and put them in a box. And play lucky dip and pull out an activity from the box. It could be learning a new language, dance, go for a walk, bake a cake, play a boardgame – you get the idea!
3. Plan it
Make plans, so you have something to look forward to that breaks up the darker nights. Maybe a dinner with family or friends, a staycation, game night, etc. These will all keep you motivated to get through the weeks and months ahead.
Deeper Wisdom:
Make time, if you don’t then the days, weeks and months will pass by. Prioritise certain nights of the week or a particular weekend of the month for your plans. Mark out the time in your diary and make it happen. You can only blame yourself if you come out the other side of autumn and winter and complain you’ve lived like a hermit for the past six months.
So, let’s summarise those Golden Gifts again:
- Get physical
- Creatively Fun
- Plan it
Whatever you choose, I encourage you to keep an eye on your feelings and notice if you are experiencing more stress, irritability, sadness, or lack of excitement. It is very possible that the autumn season and all that comes with it might be adding to your current mood. You do not have to do experience this transition alone. Take care to pay attention to what you feel you need in your life, and how this might be different as the seasons change.
Seeking support from a coach could be the thing you do different this year, and it might help you for many years to come. I know how difficult it is to make changes or even consider making changes when you’re feeling anxious, depressed, burnt out and exhausted. This is where I can help, with my one-to-one coaching, I help women awaken their limitless higher potential, ignite their powerhouse, so they can move forward with divine soul driven purpose.
To find out more, book a call with me: https://puravidayourlife.kartra.com/calendar/ThePuraVidaWayEnquiry
I help women replace fear with faith, preplace weakness with strength, and replace internal struggle with confidence to effectively claim their life back in just 3 months. So, they can ‘be more’, ‘do more’, and ‘have more’ and fully embody their inner warrioress to breakthrough all that holds them back.
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you live a happier, healthier and more conscious life.
I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!
Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛
Until next time – Pura Vida!