How to Deepen Your Spiritual Connection Within

How to Deepen Your Spiritual Connection Within 

In my recent videos and blogs, I’ve been sharing with you the definition of spirituality, along with my personal story of how I walked a path of deep transformation. I’ve also shared some great tools with you in my Golden Nuggets to help you master your inner world. Today I’m going to share how you can deepen your spiritual connection within.

By incorporating spiritual practices, I’ve changed my life and I’m enjoying the benefits of adopting a spiritual practice. I remind you to take what resonates with you and that your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not yours. But if you meet me on a certain path, may we encourage each other with loving kindness.

Deepening our spiritual connection gives us greater balance in our lives. Through greater connection to Spirit and our higher selves, we’re able to gracefully deal with the many challenges that occur in our lives. We maintain our centre like the calm in the eye of the storm, remaining unshaken at our core even when chaos surrounds us.

Those who do not have a connection to Spirit or to their higher selves, may often feel lost or may be easily upset by what’s occurring in their outer world. When we align with our highest self, we know who we truly are and feel a sense of purpose and clarity that guides us through life with ease.

We are empowered to continue our journey through life. When tragedy challenges us or when our hearts have been broken, we find our strength and optimism, rather than choosing to be a victim. We see the beauty of life and the glory, embracing the possibilities of our futures.

As we balance our body, mind and Spirit we’re able to easily align with our higher selves and open up to having a deeper connection with Spirit. Our connection is personal and is likely to be totally different to someone else’s connection. It’s not based on what our religious beliefs are or whether we even have a religion. It’s something that’s indescribable and dynamic, always expanding with our choices and actions. When we stop functioning from the anti-consciousness of this reality and live consciously, we’re fully connected to Spirit.

Here are 10 ways to deepen your Spiritual Connection:

  1. Incorporate a Mind, Body, Spirit exercise practice into your daily life. Chi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga are all excellent, and will assist you with creating emotional balance, greater energy flow and physical agility. As we open up the energy channels in our bodies, we can more easily connect to our higher selves and to source.
  2. Spend time every day feeling gratitude for your life and all the blessings in this life. The feeling of gratitude is a higher vibrational emotion that opens up to our divinity.
  3. Be of service by helping another person in need, whether it be a stranger or a family member. As we give to others this opens the doors to the Universe and facilitates a deepening of our connection to source and to ourselves.
  4. Spend time every week meditating. If you don’t have time to do this every day, then take time out 3 or 4 times a week to be alone and be still. This stillness enables us to go within and connect with our higher self. It is food for our soul and very important for maintaining emotional and mental stability. When we are at peace within, our outer world reflects this back to us.
  5. Trust your inner knowing. Our higher self often communicates to us through intuition or physical sensations. The more we pay attention and honour these communications, we’re able to deepen our connection to Spirit and our higher selves.
  6. Let go of all self-judgment and judgment of others. Judgment blocks us from fully living our highest potential. When we judge ourselves or others, the only energy we can receive is the same energy that matches that judgment. This means that if something else greater comes along, we can’t acknowledge it or receive it, because we are blocked by our judgments.
  7. Live your dreams! Don’t be afraid to step out into the world and actualise your life goals. The Universe will support you in living your dreams, because when we choose this, we are inviting others to choose it too. When we deny our dreams, this dampens our connection to Spirit and our higher self.
  8. Laugh more, dance, celebrate life! These are all high vibrational activities that can facilitate a heart opening. When we fully open our hearts, we ARE connecting with our higher self. All the great teachers understood the value of joy and laughter.
  9. Be in nature as much as possible. When we spend time in a natural environment, we feel an energy flow that recharges our entire being. This energy is one and the same as the energy of Spirit. Nature is a direct conduit to Spirit, so when we tap into it, we can connect to our higher self on an even deeper level.
  10. Live your truth! So many people compromise who they truly are by trying to fit into society by being a certain way that is considered ‘socially acceptable’. They may destroy themselves by being the person that their husband, mother or father or friends expects them to be. Let go of all of that and be your authentic self. When you fully step into your own power and live your truth, you create an opening for Spirit to come through with total ease and grace.

My spiritual practices support all areas of my life with an immediate focus on my current priorities in life for; my health, career, business, personal development, and my spiritual practices themselves.

At this time, I can’t imagine my life without the spiritual practices I have adopted. The deepening of my spiritual practice has helped me beyond my imagination in all aspects of life. It’s not perfect, and not always easy, yet provides a sense of calm, peace, resilience and joy to my journey in life. And the expansion into my spiritual practices will continue to unfold and expand over time; it’s a continuous process of learning and growth.

You could start with my 3 Golden Nuggets to help you to have a happier, healthier, and fulfilled life with a greater sense of balance and connection within.

Golden Nuggets

1. Creating awareness

Before you can make any changes and start a spiritual practice of your own, firstly you must admit to yourself that a practice is essential and something that you MUST do.

Top Tip

Ask yourself these questions and be ruthlessly honest with yourself:

  • Have there been times in the past or present when you have felt the need to address your Spiritual Practices?
  • What action did you take?
  • Did this work for you?
  • If it didn’t work, why didn’t it work?
  • What got in the way?

In answering these questions, what came up for you? Any lightbulb moments? Are you now wiser so you can approach your spiritual practice differently this time around?

2. Change your behaviour

If you are committed to adopting a spiritual practice, then choose one, two or up to three practices you want to adopt. I wouldn’t advise any more than this to avoid suffering any overwhelm and then not starting at all.

Top Tip

Take some time to yourself to write down:

  • Your long-term spiritual goals
  • What behaviour do you need to change to reach your goals? Is it getting up earlier or not reaching for the phone which then becomes a distraction?
  • What strategies can you use to overcome any obstacles to reaching your goal?

3. Be resourceful

So, you’ve decided it’s a MUST to adopt spiritual practices into your life, you have an awareness of what stopped you in the past, you know what behaviours you need to adopt or change to imbed your spiritual practices. So, what resources do you need to help you?

Top Tip

Take some time to consider what resources you need; this could be the key to you really getting to grips with your new spiritual practices.

  • Do you need the support and encouragement from a friend or partner?
  • Are there books you need to buy and read?
  • Are there websites and online videos to research?
  • Do you need to find a spiritual teacher?

So, let’s summarise those Golden Nuggets again:

  1. Creating awareness
  2. Change your behaviour
  3. Be resourceful 

Remember, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, so I encourage you to gently reflect on your devotion to your spiritual life.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.

I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!

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Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛

Until next time – Pura Vida!