How to Experience Stillness of The Soul
In my recent videos and blogs, I’ve shared with you the importance and power of stillness of the mind and body. Now I want to share with you the opening to eternal stillness through learning how to experience stillness of the soul.
The nonstop noise of the external world often keeps us from experiencing the quiet at the core of our being. A timeless eternal presence without sound or language awaits us there, a connection to something greater than our individual and seemingly short lives.
Outer distractions, both audio and visual, continuously surround us from our TVs, laptops, and mobile phones, which prevent a deeper relationship to all of life. Traffic sounds, machinery, and loud voices in nonstop conversation interrupt our peace of mind, even if we don’t consciously recognise this dissonance.
Yet, something within each of us knows something is amiss and longs for an absence of sound within which we can feel calmer and more centred. But how do we get there?
Seeking silence and stillness
Many people have turned to meditation and yoga or quiet solitary walks in nature for just this reason. It connects them to that inner space of quiet within. Once accessed, you may realise it is never absent, even in the noisiest surroundings. At least, that is what I have discovered over the years.
There is silence beneath every sound, even the loudest, because sound arises from silence and falls back into it. There is silence between every note of music, every spoken word, and every birdcall. There is silence in my heart. If I pause, that silence rises to the surface, and I become silence itself, just peaceful presence. My soul holds the stillness of the universe and divine connection, and it is always available to me as I awaken more fully and deepen my awareness.
You and I are on this path together, this opening to the eternal stillness of all being. Every human is. It is the collective destiny of humanity, and the individual journey of each soul. The return Home after life on Earth, and a realisation that ‘Home’ is within us now. We find this in silence, and gradually it becomes so compelling that we choose to live the rest of our lives in conscious awareness of that divine stillness within.
Seeking a deeper awareness
Sometimes world events, like a global pandemic that shuts everything down, becomes the catalyst for awakening to this deeper awareness. What appears on the surface to be crisis may open the doors of perception to untold universes within. In the absence of activity and noise, we find peace.
Nature’s quiet is part of me, and I reach out for it in my daily life. Even a small park with trees and flowers in an urban setting is enough to call me back to that inner silence of the heart and soul. I believe we all need this connection, especially now.
If you feel distant from stillness in your life, it is not as far away as you may think. Don’t wait until life overwhelms you and crisis stops you to rediscover the essence of your being. Every day, take a few minutes alone to access that place of internal peace and quiet. Pause, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and there you are. As simple as that…you have stillness in your soul.
A still soul is one that is connected to mind, body and the world. It’s an honest and patient look at how our past has shaped us and for us to work through those issues and defects of character that prevent us from growing into our best selves and living our best life.
A great way to connect to the stillness is with my 3 Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom:
Golden Gifts
1. Navigation
Develop a strong moral compass. Our past certainly shapes us, but it doesn’t define us. If you grew up amid chaos, deceit, anger or abandonment, spend some time working through your beliefs and question whether they are true to the values that you hold dear.
Deeper Wisdom:
As an example, someone with a history of passive-aggressive communication skills might have trouble recognising those as harmful. Take the time to educate yourself on healthy, direct communication to break habits and build new ones.
2. Heal Your Wounds
Let’s face it, everyone has baggage. It’s human nature. To be a victim is to surrender to our childhood wounds and say, “Well, this is just the way it is. I can’t help that I was dealt a bad hand.” But you see, you have the power to work through and heal from those wounds.
Deeper Wisdom:
You may not be able to do it alone, and it might take years of dedicated work with a coach, but the person that you’re working to be is on the other side But the first few steps are to acknowledge and recognise the trauma for what it is, then reclaim control.
3. Appreciation
Practice gratitude and appreciation for the world. No matter what your life situation might be, there’s always something to be grateful for. Wake up and fill a notebook with your gratitude list. Make it specific.
Deeper Wisdom:
To get started, think about the fact that you are alive to live another day – that is a gift in itself. Think about small things like hot tea or coffee and the warmth of your pet’s fur nestled up against you in bed. Or a cuddle from a loved one. These moments are precious gifts we often overlook.
So, let’s summarise those Golden Gifts again:
- Navigation
- Heal Your Wounds
- Appreciation
Remember, every day becomes a choice; to practice stress or to practice peace. I know which one I choose. The outer world is a mirror of our inner world. If we can tame the inner beast inside, the dramas in our outer world will subside. And when events occur that are beyond our control, we can use these practices to remain rooted in our centre and at peace.
Take care to pay attention to what you feel you need in your life. Seeking support from a coach could be the thing you do differently to finally find the peace you’ve been seeking.
I know how difficult it is to make changes or even consider making changes when you’re feeling anxious, depressed, burnt out and exhausted. This is where I can help, with my one-to-one coaching, I help people awaken their limitless higher potential, ignite their powerhouse, and move forward with divine soul-driven purpose.
To find out more, book a call with me:
I help overwhelmed and unfulfilled people replace fear with faith, replace weakness with strength, and replace internal struggle with confidence to effectively claim their life back in just 3 months. So, they can ‘be more’, ‘do more’, and ‘have more’ and fully embody their inner warrior to breakthrough all that holds them back.
Are you ready to take your first step towards a happier, healthier, fulfilled and more conscious life?
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you live a happier, healthier and more conscious life.
I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!
Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛
Until next time – Pura Vida!