Practice Stillness of The Mind to Boost Your Wellbeing
Let’s face it, this world is a hectic one. Technology only exacerbates the feeling that no matter how quickly we move, how much we accomplish, it’s never enough. The real art to living life is to practice stillness. But this can be really difficult for some because it takes away the distractions and busyness of their life, which they seem to cling onto as a way of living. But in my view, they’re not really living – real living is all about experiencing this life.
I remember how life used to leave me feeling exhausted at the end of the day and even the following day before it had really begun! To combat this, I turned to practices that can heal my mind, body, soul and spirit to save me from the chaos. To get to a point of stillness and peace within yourself means that the whole world could be at war, and you can still think well, feel well and work well.
Sounds beautiful and wildly difficult. Well to be brutally honest – it is difficult. But like any of the great ways to change our lives, ‘easy’ isn’t part of the recipe. With practice, patience and dedication, you can reap the benefits.
How to Practice Stillness of The Mind
So, let’s start by explaining how you can practice stillness of the mind. Stillness starts within the space between your ears. If we can’t quiet our thoughts long enough to think about things bigger and deeper than the daily torrent of thoughts, then we’ll never achieve the kind of stillness that frees us and helps us to attain peace.
So today, I invite you to be ‘fully present’.
Enjoy the moment, let go, surrender and be open.
A great way to get started is with my 3 Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you find peace within and tranquillity in your life amongst the chaos.
Golden Gifts
1. Live in the now
Much of our daily thoughts are consumed with what was and what is to come. We’re thinking about how we handled a past conversation, or we’re planning how to handle a future task or problem.
Deeper Wisdom:
Take time every day to think only of this moment, right now. Nothing else matters. Set yourself the intention to be in the moment mindfully this week. Put your phone away, turn the TV off, and enjoy the time with your loved ones; these moments are precious.
2. Let it go
Empty your mind of preconceptions. It’s a survival instinct for humans to take past situations and apply knowledge of that experience to the future. We want to anticipate how things might go. The downside, of course, is that we’re unable to accept the present moment for what it is if we’re constantly trying to predict how it will turn out.
Deeper Wisdom:
Really let it go. And take a new perspective with different eyes. Be optimistic, being optimistic is a choice. Change your thinking, again it’s a choice. Imagine a positive outcome and avoid negativity. Drop any preconceived ideas and see it for what it is.
3. Trust yourself
In the past, you’ve likely reached out to your peers, family and trusted friends for help making your decision. Although well meaning, much of that advice may be conflicting, and it represents the perspectives of another person who has lived an entirely different life experience from you. Trust your intuition by giving your mind time to deeply analyse the decision.
Deeper Wisdom:
Give yourself the time and space to feel your feelings. Start to create a positive relationship with your inner critic. This will help you to let go of undermining your self-trust. Consistently stay true to yourself, look after your own needs and safety as a priority. Be compassionate towards yourself. You know deep down you can survive difficulties, and if things don’t work out, then it’s a learning opportunity. That really is the point of this human existence and playing this thing we call life.
So, let’s summarise those Golden Gifts again:
- Live in the now
- Let it go
- Trust yourself
Take care to pay attention to what you feel you need in your life. Seeking support from a coach could be the thing you do differently to finally find the peace you’ve been seeking.
I know how difficult it is to make changes or even consider making changes when you’re feeling anxious, depressed, burnt out and exhausted. This is where I can help, with my one-to-one coaching, I help women awaken their limitless higher potential, igniting their powerhouse, so they can move forward with divine soul-driven purpose.
To find out more, book a call with me:
I help women replace fear with faith, preplace weakness with strength, and replace internal struggle with confidence to effectively claim their life back in just 3 months. So, they can ‘be more’, ‘do more’, and ‘have more’, fully embodying their inner warrioress to breakthrough all that holds them back.
Are you ready to take your first step towards a happier, healthier, fulfilled and more conscious life?
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Gifts and Deeper Wisdom to help you live a happier, healthier and more conscious life.
I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!
Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛
Until next time – Pura Vida!