Savouring the Pause & Being Open to Transformation
You may have noticed that I have been a bit quiet during August this year with fewer blogs, vlogs and business hustle. I felt called and felt the need to savour the pause, which was very much needed, as there have been some huge shifts and transformation happening with me personally and professionally.
Entering this period of pause was for once a conscious way of being. In the past I would have ignored any prompts to pause and then something would have come in to force the pause. This could be an illness, a life catastrophe, or something that karma would smack me over the head with to take me into a state of pause.
Maybe you have experienced this too? Out of nowhere a bolt of metaphorical lightning hits your life and you are forced to stop. It can be tough when this happens and no matter how hard you fight it, you can’t win, you just have to surrender and allow it to unfold.
I believe such a pause is something to welcome and savour. It comes when you need it most and not when we think it will. It won’t wait for us to improve our lives, or when we’ve met our goals, or achieved a milestone in life or business. Or when we go on our next trip or when we find the time to relax.
For the month of August, I consciously followed this way of being:
- Slowed down instead of rushing
- Paused to savour the current moment
- Really noticed everything about the moment, and found small things to appreciate
- Being grateful for what there is right here, right now
- Allowing the things that are bothering me to just be in my life, without fighting with them, without pushing them away. Instead, leaning into them to learn from them
- Not allowing little things to offend me. They’re not worth ruining the moment
- Letting the beauty of the moment wash over me
I’m sure you probably know all these things already, but be honest, do you really do them? The secret is to practice them, then the rewards of joy, insight and inspiration will flow in.
In savouring the pause, I entered into a period of transformation. I’d describe it as a caterpillar weaving its cocoon and entering a period of metamorphosis in the chrysalis. Just like the caterpillar, I felt fully grown in my role as a HR professional. Afterall, I held that position for 26 years, and in the last 6 years, I have built and run my successful HR consultancy. But now was the time for me to go inwards, do the work, let go and enter metamorphosis.
In reality the growth and metamorphosis has been happening in my life over a period of time and has intensified in the past 2 months. Through deep transformational work, I have been called to take the path of my soul gift and calling, my true purpose in life. So, with this in mind, the time has come to let go of my old identity and business as a HR Professional. It’s now time to step forward as a Shamanic Healer, working in the energy body and field with the use of shamanic practices and tools. Combining my teachings and skills as a coach, I feel this is where I can make a real difference to people and the world.
It’s not been easy to get to this point and it’s been a journey of personal healing, learning and growing. Letting go of the past and a life I had put every effort in to build, I now own and accept my power gifts and hidden strengths. I know who I am and what I want to be known for. I now walk the path of the wise woman and reclaim the archetype of the medicine woman, united with Mother Earth / Pachamama / Mama Gaia.
It’s an honour and a privilege to do this work, to be in service to others and the world. I feel alive with magical grace and wonder. I have rebirthed as a healer, witch and sage. I am liberated and flying high. I AM ME! I finally recognise the woman looking back at me in the mirror.
So, I’m letting go of my HR consultancy and I am now focusing 100% of my time and energy in my personal development and life transformation business Pura Vida Your Life. Some have said this is a brave step, and I’m sure some of my family and friends think I’m mad to leave a secure and successful business behind. Yes, there has been some pangs of fear that have crept in. But for me, it feels the right thing to do, to be in perfect harmony and alignment with my Divine Soul Purpose. This is where the sweet spot is for me and where I will receive so much joy and happiness. This work lights me up more than words can describe.
I open my heart to this life change, just as the butterfly shakes free of the chrysalis and takes flight with her glorious colourful wings in her new life. I am empowered and limitless!
Our human protentional is unlimited and transformation is possible for all of us. I’m not saying you need to pivot like me, but I’m sure you have a niggling need to change something in your life?
Maybe you are being called to make a significant change in your life?
Is it time for you to change who you are and become the person you want to be?
There are so many things people want to do in their lives. To lose weight, to break free from an addiction, to learn a skill or trade, to start making more money. People have goals and desires and it’s frustrating when you’re watching your scale not move, or you’re back smoking a pack a day, or you’re going nowhere in your career. You’ve been motivated to change these things in your life, yet something is holding you back. There is something that’s not just working for you when you try to make that big change. You’ve read all the books on how to do what you’re trying to do but every time you do it you come up short. There has to be a reason why you’re failing, and you need to know what it is.
You possess the greatest gift known to mankind: the power of choice.
Is there something in your life that could be better? You have everything you need, right now, to change it.
You can’t always control external people and events, but there’s a secret: Everything changes when you change yourself.
Smart people know that we achieve our best life when we take time to look honestly at who we are and where we are and then make a change.
In other words, we can transform ourselves into someone completely new.
It’s easier said than done, right?
It takes work, without a doubt, but it is possible.
A great way to get started is with my 3 Golden Nuggets to help you take the crucial steps for a powerful personal transformation:
Golden Nuggets
1. What is the Outcome
To get what you want, you must first know exactly what the final outcome will be. You won’t get there if you don’t understand exactly what you want.
Sit down and define your current problems or flaws. Decide what they will be like once you’ve transformed them. Don’t just think about it, either. Make it concrete. Write it down.
Top Tip
Add a list of reasons why you want to make these changes. Write down all the great things that will happen once your transformation is complete. This will motivate you when you’re tempted to fall back into your old habits.
2. Learn from others
Change always involves learning new things, but you can create your own shortcut.
Instead of starting from scratch, learn from the journeys and mistakes of others who have already taken the path you’re embarking on. It can cut your learning phase in half!
Top Tip
Do some research and read personal stories, tips, and tricks of people who have created their own personal transformations. Avoid the mistakes they made and adopt the habits that helped them achieve their goals.
At the very least, these stories will inspire you to keep going, day after day. They will let you know that what you’re doing and where you’re going is not only possible, but that it’s possible for you.
3. Be the outcome
There’s a popular cliché that says, “Fake it ‘til you make it”, and there’s validity to that statement.
When you act as if an outcome has already occurred, it is much more likely to happen. Your brain can’t distinguish between what you visualize and what’s actually out there in the real world.
Top Tip
Adopt the identity of yourself as someone who has already made the changes you aspire to, and your actions will be those of someone who has already made this successful transformation. This, in turn, leads to results in the real world that simply confirm your new reality.
So, let’s summarise those Golden Nuggets again:
- What is the outcome
- Learn from others
- Be the outcome
I also know it’s really difficult to make changes or even consider making changes when you’re burnt out and exhausted. This is where I can help, with my exclusive and intimate programme designed to help women awaken their limitless higher potential, igniting their powerhouse, so they can move forward with divine, soul-driven purpose.
A new life mastery and transformational programme TAILORED specifically for busy managerial and executive women who are seeking change in their life.
To find out more, book a call with me:
Or go to the registration page and sign up to get started:
I help women replace fear with faith, weakness with strength and internal struggle with confidence to effectively claim their life back in just 3 months. So, they can ‘be more’, ‘do more’, and ‘have more’, fully embodying their inner warrioress to break through all that holds them back.
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.
I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!
Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛
Until next time – Pura Vida!