Summer – A key to wellbeing and radiance
The 21 June is Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. Regarded as the ‘high point’ of our year, we have more daylight hours, and this has been linked to people experiencing better wellbeing. Although it may feel that the summer has barely started for us here in the UK, I invite you to pause to mark this significant day.
We can see the sun – that big beautiful yellow ball of light in the big blue sky. Nature is in full swing with greenery, florals and freshness abundantly springing up all around us.
So, what does this mean for us humans?
Vitamin D is in plentiful supply, helping to boost our mood and physical energy levels, and we get a chance to make hay whilst the sun shines. And our inner energies mirror the signs of growth and expansion we see in nature all around us.
The sunshine’s upon us and that light also has a profound effect on us internally. We are literally made up of light, and so that light brings illumination.
The spiritual body also thrives at this time. The sun, at its most influential point of the year, brings strength and warrior-like energy, instilling confidence and courage. It helps to eradicate fear and to create space to allow us to step into the power of our true selves. The Summer Solstice marks a time for openness and action, reinforced by an innate belief and trust in this true self.
The seeds of intention that were planted during the depths of winter are given life and are brought in to being with this light-based energy.
The sun, and its link to fire energy, allows us to release all that is heavy to the Solstice flame, and sees us rise anew from the ashes.
I share more on the spiritual body, seasons and elements in my Pura Vida your Life Compass – the navigation tool for the modern world!
My wish for you is that you may embrace your own radiance this Summer Solstice and embody all that you know that you are destined to be!
You could start with my 3 Golden Nuggets to help you lead a happier, healthier, and fulfilled life with greater connection to nature and the seasons.
Golden Nuggets
1. Reflection
Take some time to reflect on the last 6 months since we were in the depths of winter and the December Solstice. When you pause to take stock, you will usually be pleasantly surprised by how much you have achieved over the past 6 months. This is a powerful antidote to that nagging feeling that time is rushing by and you’re not achieving much, which is so easy to fall prey to in our “busy-busy” culture.
Top Tip
Note down all the significant events that have happened during that time; what has begun, what has ended, what have you achieved, and what has developed during that time.
Whether you’re a leader, team member or you work on your own, it’s a valuable exercise to reflect on your individual or team journey over the last 6 months. Link this process to the changing seasons.
2. Light your fire
Lighting a solstice fire is a traditional way to honour the sun energy at Solstice time. The fire could be used as a focal point for meditation and intention for what you wish to release, and also renew, in your life.
Top Tip
Some people prefer the physical act of writing out aspects they wish to release. Releasing them to the flames by burning the paper in the fire can be very significant, ceremonial and cathartic.
3. Shine Bright
The Summer Solstice and stronger sun rays bring extra light to us, and that light brings illumination. We are literally made of slowed light and this manifests itself as matter. So, over the next few weeks, watch your thoughts and words – hold a high level of thinking.
Top Tip
Don’t go to negative self-talk and doubt. Let go of judging others and criticising yourself, others and life. In this, you will further help to create light. Think of when someone who carries a lot of light walks into a room and he/she turns heads – it’s like a flash of brilliant sunlight entering. So, beam your light this Solstice and shine bright!
So, let’s summarise those Golden Nuggets again:
- Reflection
- Light your fire
- Shine bright
There is a growing realisation that part of the mental health crisis we are seeing and experiencing is due to our disconnection from nature and the seasons. These simple golden nuggets are beneficial steps you can use towards counteracting this disconnect, whether you work in an office block or a home office.
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.
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Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛
Until next time – Pura Vida!