Summer – What’s calling you?

Summer – What’s calling you? 


In my last blog about the Summer Solstice and the 21 June, I shared how this time of year can help us humans. Today I will share how summer and nature affects us, and what you can do if you feel the season’s energy calling you.

Transformation and change are both part of life and nature, and it’s the seasons that constantly remind us of these natural occurrences. We must go through all phases in order to grow and, although we might resist change, it will happen regardless. If we become in tune with nature, we can learn to flow more freely with the currents of life.

The heat of the sun and the link to the element of fire means that summer is the season of power, with an expansion of energy, a time for taking action and for continual movement, and/or improvement.

Manifesting your calling

Summer is the season of joy, enthusiasm, purpose, and radiance. Ancient people around the world have used the Summer Solstice Fire to focus this innate energy in the summer season to clarify the actions necessary to fully manifest their soul’s calling. This work begins in gratitude and celebration of life itself and I will help you to practice this with my golden nuggets.

We can learn to work skilfully with the Summer Solstice, which is a fire of heart and action, to manifest your calling and its power more fully in your life and, more importantly, to live it!

So, align your actions that relate to your plans for the future to the fire of your heart and your souls calling. This is your opportunity to align your heart and align your actions with your heart and the manifestation of your calling.

The big questions to ask yourself are:

  • Who am I?
  • What life do I want to be manifesting?

To get clear on this you need to spend some time in meditation, and I will share with you my 3-step meditation to find your career calling.

Stay centred

With the rush of power in this summer season it can be a struggle to stay balanced and centred. When we have plans to follow through on, being balanced and centred is so very important to ensure we remain focussed and have clarity.

All of us will be pulled off centre at one point or another, we will be shaped by both disaster and delight. So, we need to learn the art of returning home, retuning to centre, letting go of all that binds us too tightly to both fear and to hope. We need to let go of our attachment to both doom and reward, letting go of all that leaves us wobbling. When we learn to return home in this way, we will return bearing gifts.

To get centred and to incorporate the practice of centring into your daily life, it’s best to start with the basics, like breathing in and out consciously. One of my personal favourite reminders to centre is to notice when I’m holding my breath, which happens more often than you think. I will then open my throat and let the breath come in.

The advantage to centring practices is that you can do them anywhere, anytime. When you’re in the centred state, you will be calm, focused, and able to choose a purposeful response to any situation. I share with you how to start your day centred in my golden nuggets.

Life ‘IS’ transformational work and Shamanic skills can bring us to emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical wellbeing.

My wish for you is that you uncover your calling and manifest your gift to share with the world this summer. To embody all that you know that you are destined to become!

A great way to get started is with my 3 Golden Nuggets to help you to have a happier, healthier, and fulfilled life by aligning the great forces of the summer season.

Golden Nuggets

1.  The Essence of Gratitude​

I love the popularity of gratitude practices. Gratitude mindfulness is a simple way to improve all kinds of physical and mental health. We become more empathetic, sleep better, and have better self-esteem. The beauty of having an actual practice versus just trying to be more grateful is we open up the pathways in our body to let gratitude flow through us. When we write in a journal or speak our thanks before a meal, we are bringing our gratitude into the human experience.

Top Tip

A simple practice is gratitude sharing with people you love. Put your hand on your heart. Take a few breaths and ask yourself, what do you love? Begin sharing that and keep going, let the love from your heart move through you, and speak this to the world. Don’t think, just go. What you find might surprise you.

If you want to take it one step further, let it out with your body. After speaking your love, pick songs that express love for the world, and give yourself the time and space to dance. Or if you aren’t ready for all that, maybe just place your hand on your heart and rock a little, let your body move a little.

2. 3-Step Meditation to Find Your Calling

This meditation will help you visualise your ideal work situation, so you can bring it to life.

  1. Go Inside

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath, and as you exhale, imagine tension leaving your body.

  1. Visualise

From this deep state of relaxation, imagine a place in nature where you feel comfortable, safe, and secure. Take in all of the sensations of the place. Breathe in the smells and hear the sounds. See it clearly, as though you are focusing a camera on a very large image.

There’s a tunnel in the distance, made of tree boughs, flowers, or earth and rock. The tunnel is supportive of your effort to gain deeper knowledge about yourself. Walk through the tunnel, leaving the everyday world behind. Once on the other side, see yourself in your “perfect” work environment. You don’t have to try. Simply be open to the impressions, insights, and feelings. Allow information to come to you about your life’s work and the steps you need to take to manifest it.

  1. Emerge

After about five minutes, return through the tunnel and rest in your beautiful starting place on the other side. Bring your attention to your breath and body. Get a good sense of returning to wakeful consciousness. Open your eyes when you are ready and write down what you’ve learned.

Top Tip

Have a friend read this meditation to you or record it and then play it back to yourself. Read it slowly, to give yourself access to deeper wisdom and guidance.

And remember that this will get better with practice so the more you do it, the clearer the messages and insights will be.

3. Start Your Day Centred

Physical exercise, yoga, deep breathing, meditation, prayer, and quiet reflection are all excellent centring practices to begin your day. You may have your own. It can be as simple (and challenging!) as sitting quietly, doing nothing. By starting your day with a centring activity, you will return to the centred state more easily as the day unfolds.

Top Tip

Choose One! New habits need reinforcement if you want to make them part of your life. Choose one centring practice and incorporate it into your day. Make a promise to do it for 30 days.

So, let’s summarise those Golden Nuggets again:

  1. The Essence of Gratitude
  2. 3-Step Meditation to Find Your Calling
  3. Start Your Day Centred

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.

I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!

Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛

Until next time – Pura Vida!