Three Ways to Live Well This Autumn

Three Ways to Live Well This Autumn

Autumn is a great opportunity to cultivate a healthier and happier life with Shamanic Medicine. Ancient tools from shamanic lineage are so powerful, and to make a shift in our lives, it means going deeper on our personal habits and practices in this life. So, I am going to share with you how can you live well this autumn using a shamanic approach.

Here is a quote I love: “Studying life is not living life and therefore has no magic”

Deepening our self-care practice is the key to what is happening right now in this modern world. There’s so much going on in our current external world, and we are studying it actively and passively and allowing this to become our reality. There is a need to become more consciously aware that you are indeed empowered to shift to living a life that serves you better. I know that a deeper practice and self-care is what people are wanting and needing right now.

In shamanism we look at the energy within us and the energetic patterns of what’s going on around us. And a shamanic teaching is that our perception of that creates our reality, so with the external happenings in the world right now, we need to be conscious of these factors.  Once we have this awareness, which is so powerful, we can consciously shift and transform our energy to have a greater positive impact on our mind, body and spirit.

We talk about the body, the mind; being the ego that generates fear, hate, and a negative way of being that will not serve us in being whole, happy and healthy. This is called shadow energy. Spirit: is the reflection of the creative forces of the universe and those Divine forces are pure light and our true identity as a being is pure light.

Your energy is your vital life force and there are different types of energy sources: some are physical, some are emotional, and some are spiritual.

Allow me to simplify this without getting too intense:

  • Physical energy is generated by the response of the environment; what you take in by nourishment, and what you expose yourself to as far as chemicals, compounds, and electrical currents. These energies are either giving to your body or depleting your body. In scientific terms, these are known as free radicals, EMFs, and toxic chemical compounds that are breaking down your body’s system, and contaminating it with low-grade food, bad air quality, and environmental pollution.
  • Mental energy is based on electrical currents, which are stimulated by knowledge and data that affect your neurological system, your neurons, and your nervous system. If the mental stimulation you are receiving is not of the same quality as the high-frequency current that releases certain congruent chemicals in your body, it will create an adverse effect on your emotional quality as a human being. This can infect your endocrine system, your hormonal system, your immune system, and all other organs and tissues in your body.
  • And then there are the spiritual energies, which the world doesn’t have a lot of knowledge about. Shamans have returned to help facilitate this lost information. Your world is made up of spiritual energies. Those in a lower form are based on fear, guilt, judgement, doubt, shame, hate, and anger… Those in the higher energy forms are based on love, compassion, bliss, elation, playfulness, joy, ecstasy, pleasure, and every higher vibration that connects you to unconditional love and acceptance. I’m sure you get the picture.

So as the sun begins to sink lower in the sky and the night becomes chilly and dark, before we even notice the changing of colours with our eyes, our senses tell us that the energy of summer has come to an end in the northern half of the world.

The Autumn Equinox is a meaningful time of year to honour the harvest. Whether that be a “real” harvest of the things planted in your garden or the harvest of efforts and intentions for your life path that you set earlier in the year.

The changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life in nature, and within this cycle many ancient cultures perceived a powerful, deeper message for humanity.

Indigenous cultures recognised earth-based wisdom and understood the four focal points of the year: the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox. You can find out more about these illuminated stages of an inner spiritual journey – a spiritual cycle that the individual takes within themselves – in my Pura Vida Your Life Compass.

The autumn equinox arrives on 22 September 2021, and we move from the external, expansive nature of summer to the internal, contractive nature of autumn. My 3 Golden Nuggets are a great way to balance your Autumnal energies, helping you take the crucial steps to align with the powerful transition of Autumn.

Golden Nuggets

1. Breathe Deeply

One of the best ways to support and balance our energy is with the breath. This sounds so simple, but the fact is most of us don’t breathe deeply enough, and this impacts on our mental health, energy levels and immune system.

Top Tip

Go for a walk outside in the beautiful, crisp, clean autumnal air and fill your lungs with all that good energetic breath.

2. Let go of Negativity

Letting go of negativity is always a good idea but has a greater importance in Autumn. We can often feel that the negative things in our lives are beyond our control. However, if we become aware of negative things, we can make those small changes to avoid them as much as possible.

Top Tip

Negativity can be an extremely destructive energetic force both physically and psychologically. So I invite you to work towards keeping as much of it as possible out of your lives – set this as a goal to give it some intention and focus.

Sometimes, it’s just the awareness that can help you to make the changes needed to keep as much positivity and light in our lives. Positive energy is what feeds us on every level and helps us to be happy, healthy beings.

3. Nourish the Body

It’s obvious when you think of how nature supports us with seasonal food produce, as it knows what nourishes us best in the autumnal months. Sadly, these days it’s hard to know what food is seasonal due to how food is produced for us now. Aim to eat seasonal, hearty food, as this is what your body is craving; more wholesome food to nourish the body, support the immune system and foods that are easier to digest, such as stews and soups.

Top Tip

The best way to stay healthy is to learn about the nature of each season and live in harmony with its spirit and energy. When we are in harmony with the world around us, we acknowledge that nature is slowing down and contracting and preparing to rest, so it’s teaching us to do the same. There is enough information at our fingertips to support our learning about nature and the season – so there really is no excuse to ignore these powerful teachings.

So, let’s summarise those Golden Nuggets again:

  1. Breathe Deeply
  2. Let go of Negativity
  3. Nourish the Body

I also know it’s really difficult to make changes or even consider making changes when you’re burnt out and exhausted. This is where I can help, with my exclusive and intimate programme designed to help women awaken their limitless higher potential, igniting their powerhouse and to move forward with divine, soul-driven purpose.

A new life mastery and transformational programme TAILORED specifically for busy managerial and executive women, who are seeking change in their life.

To find out more, book a call with me: 

I help women replace fear with faith, replace weakness with strength, and replace internal struggle with confidence to effectively claim their life back in just 3 months. So, they can ‘be more’, ‘do more’, and ‘have more’ and fully embody their inner warrioress to breakthrough all that holds them back.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more Golden Nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.

I invite you to come on a journey of empowerment with me – sign up to Discoveries to start taking steps to improve your life!

Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛

Until next time – Pura Vida!