What Do You Do When You’re Feeling Lost in Life?

What Do You Do When You’re Feeling Lost in Life?

I often hear people say, “I’m feeling lost. I really don’t know how to live the rest of my life. I feel hopeless and depressed, with no goals or dreams. What should I do?”

And to be brutally honest, I’ve felt the same way too in the past; feeling lost and underwhelmed by life. I suspect that many, many people in this modern world, have also had the same feelings at some point in their life:

  • Feeling like your life is empty
  • Feeling like you are without hope
  • Feeling like you are not heading anywhere in life
  • Or worse; feelings that being dead sounds better than being alive

This is a sad way to feel, especially when there are so many go-to resources and help we can access for ourselves. If only we could understand ourselves better…

If you are experiencing these feelings right now, my deepest, heartfelt empathy goes out to you. Know that you are not alone. Realise and understand that these hard times you are experiencing and facing right now are not going to last forever, it will pass. It seems cliche, I know. But it’s true.

Time is the only thing that will reveal a brighter future and vision towards yourself and your life. And it will be very wise of you if you choose to enjoy this moment as a resting period. Take this time and use it wisely.

Cultivate and take care of yourself, because this will help you in the most powerful way as you move forward, which you will!

“Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be.” 

Why might you be feeling lost in life?

Every human feels lost in life at one point or another for different reasons. Finding the meaning of life has always been one of men and women’s greatest questions. However, there isn’t one clear answer to this question. Based on how individualistic each and every single human being is, I would say that the meaning of life is different for everyone.

So, if you are feeling lost, today I will discuss some simple and actionable steps that you can take to help you find your way.

Feeling lost in life can be due to a number of different things:

  • It could be due to a traumatic experience such as a breakup of a relationship
  • Or death of a loved one
  • It can also be due to a big life choice such as changing your career path
  • Or dropping out of college or university
  • It could be due to getting married
  • Or moving to a new area

And sometimes, we feel lost when simple, everyday life catches up with us. Maybe you are taking on too many things at once and have lost a sense of self. Maybe you need to change your path because of the person you have grown into. All of these and more are valid reasons for feeling lost in life.

“Not until we are lost, do we begin to understand ourselves”


Golden Nuggets

Listen to your heart

What does your heart tell you that you want to do? What is it that you are passionate about? Is there a hobby or career you want to work towards? Or maybe you could work on a certain aspect of yourself such as a personality trait? Perhaps you could work on building better relationships with yourself and others?

Top Tip

Whatever it may be, listen to your heart and the thoughts that are coming forward. Begin with what you are yearning for and you can then start to build your sense of purpose in life.

Brain Dump

Brain dumps are somewhat of a miracle for any situation, especially when you find yourself feeling lost in life. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Write out everything and anything that is on your mind, without analysing it at this stage, and work quickly to capture your first thoughts.

Top Tip

After the timer is up, look at your list. You may see a pattern of thoughts, whether they are worries, fears, goals, etc. Spot the themes and start with the most prominent one.

Acknowledge your feelings

Feeling lost in life can be a result of big life changes, both good and bad. Acknowledging and feeling fear is okay. It is our body’s natural protection mechanism of taking us into flight or fight mode. However, when we are in this mode, we can’t distinguish between feeling the fear of giving a speech from the fear of a tiger wanting to eat us.

Top Tip

When we think that we are in danger and feel uncomfortable, our natural reaction is to get back to a state of comfort as soon as possible. Although sometimes this can be difficult, it is necessary to acknowledge these feelings of fear. This way you know what’s stopping you from moving forward and you can apply critical thinking and create solutions to overcome your feelings of fear. More often than not, fear creates irrational thoughts that we can overcome.

So, let’s summarise those golden nuggets again:

  1. Listen to your heart
  2. Brain Dump
  3. Acknowledge your feelings

When trying to find your way in life, take some time to self-reflect and think about some things that you want to focus on in life. It doesn’t have to be an earth-shattering goal; it can be something very simple that can make all the difference in your life to bring you happiness and fulfilment.

Whatever will truly make you happy and fuel your passion will work best. Reach out to a loved one or coach to vent, or for some coaching and guidance.

Most importantly, know that it is perfectly normal to feel these types of emotions and that it is a regular part of life, as we and life itself evolves around us. Sometimes we have to experience these tough emotions and simply let them pass; it’s all part of the change process we go through.

We all feel lost in life at one point or another. Sometimes we have to take steps to work through these feelings or simply recognise them and let them pass. Whatever route you may need to take, love yourself every step of the way and know that this too shall pass.

“Sometimes the bad things happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us”

If you have found this article useful, then please share with anyone you know who would also benefit to help them along their journey in life.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you again next week for Pura Vida Your Life Happenings for insight, inspiration and more golden nuggets to help you live a happier and fulfilled life.

Pura Vida Your Life – it all starts with you 🧡💙💛

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