Have you asked yourself,
why you are so unhappy in your life?
Every now and then you may ask yourself this, either as a fleeting thought or something you dwell on.
Unhappiness comes in many shades of grey and it’s personal. Sometimes people just lack joy.
Do you think that their emotional darkness is their own choice? Or that it’s down to life circumstances that are out of their control?
Some common causes are:
- weight problems
- addictions to screens; TV, computer, mobile
- debt, clutter & shopping addictions
- hoarding
- procrastinating
- relationship problems
And the list goes on…..
“The Primary Cause of Unhappiness is Never the Situation But Your Thoughts About It”
At Pura Vida Your Life I have developed key resources and tools, essentially to help you overcome unhappiness.
Wouldn’t it be great to open the mental blinds and let the sunshine back in?
Here’s a quote by Mark Twain “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened” Just think about that for a moment.
So one reason you’re unhappy could be down to worry.
Worry creates inner turmoil… It’s like a rocking chair moving frantically but going nowhere.
Worrying doesn’t create action, it freezes people so they are unable to think clearly and make the changes needed to ensure the negative outcome never happens.
My Top Tip
Focus your energy on changing things you can control, and just let go of what you can’t control. Let that sh’tuff go!!
The choice to be happy lies in your hands.
Golden Nuggets
Appreciate the beauty of your surroundings
Spending time in nature is good for your soul. How often do you surround yourself with nature?
Spending time in and with nature is good for your soul. We are all connected to Mother Earth (Pachamama). It can be easy to forget how special and awe-inspiring the natural world is when so many of us live in predominately concrete surroundings. But nature is all around us, you just have to look.
Sometimes, you just have to look a little harder and make a little effort to find your space in nature. Maybe enjoy your breakfast in your garden, have lunch in a park, take a walk in a nature reserve, plan a hike or a bike ride on your day off, or my absolute favourite is to take a walk on the beach.
Nature is a great reminder of how beautiful life really is – that’s Pura Vida. Do you spend enough time surrounded by nature?
My Top Tip
Aim to get out in to nature at least once a day. Be present in that moment, forget about work, chores, the list of things to do, let go and look up and see the beauty of your surroundings. See the world through child-like eyes.
You are what you eat
Are you fuelling your body with the right type of food?
What does your diet consist of? Are you eating a balanced diet of fresh healthy food? Rice, beans, vegetables, fish, meat and fruit. Be conscious of what your eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, is it homemade and locally sourced? With plenty of protein, vegetables, fruit. If you start by avoiding overly processed, fast food then this a step in the right direction.
When we fuel our bodies with the right type of food, it’s easier to stay healthy, active, and productive. Are you eating healthily?
My Top Tip
Start with changing out your current breakfast for a healthier option. Some of my favourites are a green smoothie, porridge, tomatoes and mushrooms, there are endless options, the choice is yours.
Be active
Inactivity increases the risk of obesity and depression. Are you leading a happy and active life?
There are many ways busy mums and dads, families, young people, office workers and older adults can build physical activity into their lives. Being physically active is easier than you think, especially if you make activity part of your daily routine.
When we are active, endorphins (feel good hormones) are released, and happy people tend to live happy lives. It’s as simple as that! Would you like to lead a happy and active life?
My Top Tip
Make a commitment to do something once a week, a class, a walk, online videos. There are endless amounts of resources available to you. And then build up from there, make the commitment to yourself and stick to it.